service description

network integration services

Wireless network integration from cell tower all the way to central office requires an indepth understanding of end to end network architecture of how wireless networks are designed to operate with 99999's reliability.

Over the course of past 13 years, SoluComp has assembled a team of network integrtion engineers that can handle all elements of the network integration from tower top to the central office.

1. Antennas, Micorwave installs and provisioning.
2. Radio Access Network (RAN) elements (made by Nokia, Ericsson "or" Samsung) scripting and provisioning.Yes, we can setup a RAN from scratch without the help of any OEM involvement.
3. Installation and provisioning of traffic aggregation routers used at the cell sites such as Nokia 7705, 7250 IXR-E, "or" CISCO ASR series routers.
4. We can install and provision various types of fiber backbone transport equipment supporting either SONET, DWDM "or" PWDM transport architectures supported by Fujitsu, Nokia Transport equipment).
5. Hub and Spoke cell site traffic aggregation architecture. SolUComp has indepth understanding of Wireless operators Hub and spoke architecture design. We can provision any core network traffic aggreagtion routers such as Nokia 7705, 7750 SR-8, 7250 IXR-E, SAR-18.

Please contact us to learn more about SoluComp indepth understanding of Tier 1 wireless operators network design and implementation services.


We have skills

% Data

% Integration

% Script

% End to End